Thursday, July 3, 2008

Does sport help acne and proactive acne solution ingredient of repairing lotion

What can be worse than ugly red pimples that make your face look like a medical textbook case study? Answer: ugly, LARGE acne cysts that hurt almost with every step you take. It is the sad fate of many an acne sufferer to progress from a mild or moderate form of acne to cystic acne, which is in a different league altogether. Ask Shari Thomas, a 33-year-old homemaker and mother of two who suffered so intensely from the physical and mental scars left by cystic acne that she went into clinical depression necessitating long-term treatment.
If you are reading this the chances are that you are one of the 80% of people who have been affected by acne problems , most commonly in the teenage years. For some it can be very embarrassing and demoralising to find your face covered in spots and inflamed red patches.
from personal experience I can tell you the best way to treat old ones is by using natural treatments. Because they don't even cause something and do not have side effects.
tags: home treatment for acne, home remedies to clear acne forever, over the counter acne treatments containing retin

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