Thursday, July 3, 2008

How to get rid of acne at home and acne, natural treatment

There are also debates whether chocolates cause acne. Some studies have shown that there is no direct link while others argues the opposite. Looks like chocoholics would have to wait and see if they develop zits after a bar of their fave chocolate.
Another thing that really made a believer out of me was the number of clear testimonials. It was getting hard to deny the obvious positive effects that this has had for so many.
It is usually found in the chest, shoulders, back and the face. Acne Conglobata can result after a sudden decay of the existing pustular acne or it may occur together with dormant acne forming big cystic nodules.
tags: acne treatment topical lotion stearic acid, pictures of acne outbreaks on the chest, home remedies for curing dry skin from acne

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